Wetlands Environmental Education Centre

Discover - Investigate - Learn

Telephone02 4955 8673


Grime Scene Investigation

GSI is an integrated Science & Technology, Geography and Sustainability education project for Stage 3 students.

Grime Scene Investigation is hands-on fieldwork involving a team of five scientists from your school to investigate a location in the local environment. The team works together as an environmental consultancy team and investigates a selected location for the local council.

The scientific investigation team will be engaged in a series of hands-on activities including:

·        Testing water quality

·        Investigating micro plastic pollution

·        A study of environmental issues such as litter, erosion, stormwater pollution and human impacts

Throughout the day, student teams will interpret data collected and communicate their findings and recommendations for the local council.

Schools may enter up to two teams of five scientists from Stage 3.

This is a free event for Department of Education Schools.

Dates and locations: 

FLY POINT PARK, Port Stephens- Wednesday 15th September 2021. 

PELICAN FORESHORE, Lakeview Parade, PELICAN- Thursday 16th September 2021. 

For more information or to register teams, please contact:

Wetlands Environmental Education Centre: wetlands-e.school@det.nsw.edu.au 4955 8673 

4955 8673